View from Pewley Down |
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Yew Tree |
We will walk along the river Wey then walk in Chantry wood where we will hopefully see the bluebells.
Then we will walk to Saint Martha's church on the hill in the woods.
From there we will head to Newlands Corner where we will see ancient yew trees and stop for lunch at the Kiosk where there is also a toilet.
People can bring packed lunch or buy food at the Kiosk.
After lunch we will walk back on a route with good views and through woods to Pewley Down (a local beauty spot). Finally we will walk into Guildford and end in the castle grounds.
Afterwards thr Kings Head pub is next to the castle for those who want a drink.
[日時・Date] 5月1日(日)/ Sunday, 1st of May
[集合・Assembly] 朝9時50分着ギルドフォード駅前に集合
09:50am at Guildford Station.
Chantry Woods |
[昼食・Lunch] Newlands Corner Kiosk で昼食
Lunch at Kiosk in Newlands Corner Visitor Centre
*You may bring your own packed lunch for picnic.
[解散・Break-up] 午後5時頃にギルドフォード駅帰着
Approximately 5 pm at Guildford Station.
[電車・Train] 推薦する電車 / Recommended trains:
London Waterloo ( platform 14 番線) 09:00発→ Guildford 09:46 着。
/ The trains may be subject to change. Please check the train timetable and departing platform prior to your journey. National Rail ナショナルレイル サイト
[切符・Ticket] 往復ともに団体行動が出来る3~9人のグループには1/3団体割引が適用されます。
団体切符購入希望者はチケットオフィスに集合し、各グループごとに「GroupSave (GSV) Off-Peak Day Return Ticket to Guildford」を購入してください。
/ You may be eligible to a 1/3-off discount return ticket if you depart & return with 3~9 passengers in a group. If you are interested in,
please assemble at the Ticket Office and purchase “GroupSave (GSV) Off-Peak Day Return Ticket to Guildford.
[お申し込み・Application] 4月28日(木)までに当日ご使用になられる携帯電話番号を添えてlondonwalking@googlemail.com にお願いします。
/Please email your application with your mobile phone number to londonwalking@googlemail.com by Thursday, 28th April.
[リーダー・Leader] Paul & Mariko
Facebook: London Walking