Our August Walk starts at a Kentish seaside resort of Margate and follow the Viking Costal Trail to Broadstairs, where Charles Dickens spent his summer holidays in the 19th Century, and return to Margate to visit the Turner Contemporary gallery in a 11-mile circular walk. For lunch in Broadsrairs, you may bring you own picnic lunch or enjoy “Fish & Chips” on the beach, or visit a local pub or restaurant at the sea front. In Margate, we will visit the Turner Contemporary gallery on our way back.
[日時・Date] 8月13日(土)・Saturday 13th August
[集合・Meeting] 朝10時30分にマーゲイト駅前・10:30am by Margate Station
[昼食・Lunch] 自由時間を設けますので砂浜でお弁当やフィッシュ&チップスまたは港のパブやレストランでお食事をお楽しみ下さい。・You may bring you own picnic lunch or enjoy “Fish & Chips” on the beach, or visit a local pub or restaurant for lunch at the sea front.
[電車・Train] 推薦する電車・Recommended trains:
- London Victoria (Platform2番線) 08:37発 → Margate10:22着
- Margate (Platform3番線) 18:05発 → London Victoria 19:51着
推薦する電車の発着時間やプラットフォーム等は変更されることがありますのでホームページ等で事前にご確認ください。・The trains may be subject to change. Please check the train timetable and departing platform prior to your journey. http://www.nationalrail.co.uk
[切符・Ticket] 往復ともに団体行動が出来る3〜9人のグループには切符販売窓口にて1/3団体割引が適用されます。ロンドン・ヴィクトリア駅往復で団体切符購入希望者は当日朝8時迄にチケット・オフィスに集合し各グループで乗車前に「GroupSave (GSV) Off-Peak Day Return Ticket to Margate」を購入してください。・If you depart from and return to London Victoria with 3〜9 passengers in a group, you may be eligible to purchase a 1/3-off discount return ticket at the ticket office. Please assemble at the London Victoria Ticket Office by 8am and purchase “GroupSave (GSV) Off-Peak Day Return Ticket to Margate” if you are interested in.
[お申し込み・Application] 8月10日(水)までに londonwalking@googlemail.com に当日ご使用になられる携帯電話番号を添えてお申し込みください。・Please email your application with your mobile phone number to londonwalking@googlemail.com by Wednesday 10th August.
Leader Hiroshi
Facebook: London Walking