
Starting at Hastings Station, we will walk through hills and glens of Hastings Country Park and have lunch at a tearoom before returning to Hastings Station in a 11-mile circular walk.
[日時・Date] 5月26日(日)
Sunday 26th May
Sunday 26th May
[集合・Assembly] 朝10時にヘイスティングス駅前に集合。・ 10:00am at Hastings Station.
[昼食・Lunch] コーストガーズ・ティールームで昼食(申込先着12名)。・ Lunch at the Coastguards Tearoom (first 12 applicants). https://www.coastguardtearooms.co.uk/menu/
[オプション・Option] 希望者はHastings Old Townで打上げ。・ Optional refreshment in Hastings Old Town.
[解散・Break-up] 午後6時頃にヘイスティングス駅。・ Approximately 6:00pm at Hastings Station.
[電車・Train] 推薦する電車 ・ Recommended trains:
● London Charing Cross (Platform 6番線) 08:25発 → (direct) → Hastings 09:59着。
1. Hastings 17:31発→ (direct) → London Charing Cross 19:05着、
2. Hastings 17:50発→ (direct) → London Charing Cross 19:35着、
3. Hastings 18:31発→ (direct) → London Charing Cross 20:05着、
4. Hastings 18:50発→ (direct) → London Charing Cross 20:35着。
推薦する電車の発着時間やプラットフォーム等は変更されることがありますのでホームページ等で事前にご確認ください。・ The trains may be subject to change. Please check the revised train timetable and departing platform prior to your journey. http://www.nationalrail.co.uk
[注意事項・Attention] 起伏の激しい片道約300mの昇り降りになりますので適切な靴や服装の選択や必要に応じて杖の使用をご検討ください。・ Due to an elevation difference of about 900ft in total in one way, please wear appropriate shoes/boots and clothing and use walking sticks if necessary.
[お申し込み・Application] 5月24日(金)までにティールームの予約の有無と当日ご使用になられる携帯電話番号を添えlondonwalking@gmail.com にメールをお願いします。・ Please email your application with the number of seats required at the tearoom and your mobile phone number to londonwalking@gmail.com by Friday 24th May.
Facebook: London Walking