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Marsh Lock |
Caversham Lock |
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Open the Gate! |
Shiplake Lock |
🍙シップレイクで予約していたパブでランチ。予定よりも45分も速い到着は嬉しい誤算でした。ゆっくりランチの後、再びヘンリーを目指します。この辺りは有名人や資産家の家が多いとのことで、大きなお屋敷が多く、中には庭中に鉄道模型を巡らせたお宅も見所になっています。ヘンリーの入り口になっている木の橋が壊れて渡れなくなっていたのは残念でしたが、オックスフォード大 vs ケンブリッジ大のレガッタレースで有名な華やかなヘンリー・オン・テムズに3時に到着。バスでレディングに戻りました。ご参加の皆様、ありがとうございました〜!
🇬🇧Because of the underground strikes, not so many walkers applied. However ten strong legged walkers started from Reading station. We followed along the River Thames, looking at narrow boats in full of colours floating the river via locks, wild birds, swans and so on. Some people were enjoying bathing sunshine of English short summer.
🍔At 12:40 we reached Shiplake surprisingly much earlier than we planned. We had lunch in the pub and started again. In this area there are several big houses including a train mania house. Shiplake is a rich residential area. Although the entrance wooden bridge was broken, we were happy to finish our walk at 15:00 in Henley on Thames where Oxford university and Cambridge university compete each other in the regatta race every year. We took a bus back to Reading. Thanks walkers for joining us!!
✍🏻[文責・Leader] 環会長・Tamaki
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