8月のロンドン歩く会のお知らせ Saturday 3rd August, Rye Village Walk

-Meeting Point and Time
Rye station (National Rail)
From St Pancras via Ashford International to Rye, approx one hour. 
First of all, we look around this medieval village which used to be very close to the sea. Therefore even nowadays some big houses still keep boat docks in their basements. After enjoying the beautiful village we take a little early lunch. There are many pubs and restaurants but I’m interested in Marino’s fish bar on the map attached. Sandwiches are welcome if the weather is fine.
We start walking at around 12:30pm towards the seashore. Unfortunately we can see just tideland now as the sea has been receded. 
The walk takes 3 to 4 hours so we can get back to the station by 4:30 pm. You take 4:48 pm train back to London. 
-Leader Tamaki 


🗓 [日時・Date] 8月3日(土)・Saturday, 3rd August

⏰ [集合・Meeting] 午前10時、リーダーはライ駅の改札出口あたりでお待ちしております。ライ駅にトイレはございませんので事前に車内でお済ませください。
10:00 am Rye (Sussex) station (National Rail)  at Main Exit gate. No Toilets are located at the Station, we recommend to use one on board if you need to.

🚃 [列車・Train] ロンドン・セント・パンクラス駅からアッシュフォード・インターナショナル乗り換えで約一時間ほど
・Trains from London St Pancras to Rye (one change needed at Ashford International), please check train times before on board.

🎟 [切符・Ticket] オイスターカードゾーン外です。ロンドンからの乗車の方、切符はライの往復を購入ください。
・Outside of Oyster Card zone. Please buy a day return to Rye from London.

🍙 [昼食・Lunch] ・ライにて。Rye Village or take own packed lunch for picnic if weather permits.

👋 [解散・ Finish] 午後4時30分ごろ、ライで解散。・Approx. 4.30pm Rye Station.

🚩 [リーダー・Leader] Tamaki 

 [お申し込み・Application] 7月31日(水)までに当日ご使用になられる携帯電話番号を添えて londonwalking@gmail.comにお申し込みください。
・Please send your application by email with your mobile phone number to londonwalking@gmail.com  by Wednesday, 31st July. 

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