Epping Forest Walk on 5th June
This is a forest walk of about 8 miles (about 4 hours) plus 30 - 45 minutes lunch break
(bring packed lunch and drink for 12:00pm break and suitable clothes and walking shoes).
Take the Central Line underground train towards Loughton (or Debden or Epping trains)
Get off at Loughton. Meet here at Loughton Station to start walk at 10:00am.
Walk from Loughton Station towards Epping Forest.
Taking Old Station Rd-Station Road- cross Loughton High Road into Forest Road and into the Forest at Staples Pond (15 minutes).
Follow ‘Green Ride’ path to ‘Lost Pond’ and then back to main path continuing on this path to Ambresbury Banks (archeological site).
Have lunch here in the forest (need something to sit on and your packed lunch). Arrive here about 12:00am –leave around 12:30.
After lunch continue on and turn right (circling back to the Green Ride path). Walking back towards Loughton on the ‘Green Ride’ taking
this path back to the ‘Clay Road’ path on the left to Baldwins Pond. From Baldwins Pond either take the high or low path back towards Loughton
(depending on weather conditions).
Back to Loughton Forest Road about 2:45pm. The Queen Victoria Tavern on Forest Road serves food until 4:00pm on Sundays.
Then returning to Loughton Underground station.
約8マイル( 12.8 キロ)歩きます。ピクニックランチ持参でご参加ください。
[日時・Date] 6月5日(日)/ Sunday, 5th June
[集合・Assembly] 朝10時 Loughton (ラウトン)駅前に集合
地下鉄セントラル線 zone 6
10am at Loughton Tube Station ( Central Line zone 6).
Toilets at the station but sometimes closed or not in use.
[昼食・Lunch] 森の中でのピクニック。お弁当などを持参ください。
Lunch in the forest, please bring your own packed lunch.
* In the case of rainy weather, we will have lunch at the pub under the roof on the day.
[解散・Break-up] 午後5時頃に Loughton 駅帰着
Approximately 5 pm at Loughton Station.
6月2日(木)までに londonwalking@googlemail.com にお願いします。
Please email your application with your mobile phone number to londonwalking@googlemail.com by 2nd of June.
[リーダー・Leader] Kevin
[サブリーダー・Subleader] Mimi
Facebook: London Walking
Web: London walking ロンドン歩く会