Our walk continues to enjoy Kentish white cliffs in the seaside this month. We will clime a cliff with an elevation difference of about 430ft (approx.130m), please wear appropriate shoes/boots and clothing and use walking sticks if necessary. For the slightly late lunch break in Folkestone, you may bring you own picnic lunch, enjoy fish & chips or visit a local pub or restaurant. After the lunch break, we will visit other local spots in Folkestone and return to the station for the 5pm trains in a 10-mile (approx.16km) circular walk.
[日時・Date] 9月28日(土)・Saturday 28th September
[集合・Meeting] 10:30amにフォークストン・セントラル駅前(フォークストン・ウェスト駅ではありません。)・10:30am by Folkestone Central Station (not Folkestone West Station).
[昼食・Lunch] 自由時間を設けますので砂浜でお弁当やフィッシュ&チップスまたは港のパブやレストランでお食事をお楽しみ下さい。・You may bring you own picnic lunch, enjoy fish & chips or visit a local pub or restaurant.
<Lunch suggestions>
> Fish & Chips: The Smoke House - http://www.thesmokehousefolkestone.co.uk
> Local Pub: The Harbour Inn - https://www.theharbourinnfolkestone.co.uk
> Restaurant: Rocksalt - https://www.rocksaltfolkestone.co.uk
[解散・Break-up] 4:50pmまでにフォークストン・セントラル駅。・ Before 16:50 at Folkestone Central Station.
[電車・Train] 推薦する電車・Recommended trains:
1a. London Victoria 08:33発(Platform 1番線) → Folkestone Central 10:21着*
1b. Folkestone Central 17:09発→ London Victoria 19:01着
2a. London St Pancras International 09:34発(Platform 12番線) →Folkestone Central 10:30着*
2b. Folkestone Central 17:00発→London St Pancras International 17:54着
*フォークストン・セントラル駅で下車ください。一駅手前のフォークストン・ウェスト駅ではございません。・*Please get off at Folkestone Central Station. Please do not get off at Folkestone West Station.
推薦する電車の発着時間やプラットフォーム等は変更されることがありますのでホームページ等で事前にご確認ください。・The trains may be subject to change. Please check the train timetable and departing platform prior to your journey. http://www.nationalrail.co.uk
[切符・Ticket] 電車指定の事前購入や往復割引当日券などがございます。往復ともに団体行動が出来る3〜9人のグループには切符販売窓口にて1/3団体割引が適用されます。同じ駅往復で団体切符購入希望者は当日にチケット・オフィスで各グループにて乗車前に「GroupSave (GSV) Off-Peak Day Return Ticket」を購入してください。・There are various discount tickets available such as Advance Tickets on the specified trains, Off-Peak Day Return Tickets, etc. If you depart from and return to the same station with 3〜9 passengers in a group, you may be eligible to purchase a 1/3-off discount return ticket at the ticket office. Please assemble with your group at the Ticket Office and purchase “GroupSave (GSV) Off-Peak Day Return Ticket”.
[お申し込み・Application] 9月26日(木)までに当日ご使用になられる携帯電話番号を添えてlondonwalking@gmail.com にお申し込みください。・Please email your application with your mobile phone number to londonwalking@gmail.com by Thursday 26th September.
Web: London Arukukai - http://londonarukukai.blogspot.com